Friday, 26 August 2005

August 2005 Funny Stuff

Ben - "Now that all that pedanticism is behind us..."
Ant - "Dude, the word is 'pedantry'"

"to me flirting is not a means to an end, it's an end in itself"

Kaye: how old r u again?
Ant: what?
Kaye: how old r u
Ant: about 10 o clock
Kaye: stop it, how old r u
Ant: I'm not sure if I can this weekend, sorry

Amanda: ur my jerkfuck baby :)
Antony: prove it
Amanda: u cant prove jerkfuck lol
Amanda: it's just a way of being lol
Antony: wise man say: if you are truly a jerkfuck you need no proof, it is simply known

Ant: ohhhh come to Scotland and see the Loch Ness Monster
Omar: is that what they're calling your girlfriend these days?
Ant: I don't have a girlfriend :-(
Omar: aw... i'm sure its not your fault, maybe your just ugly

I just remembered this incident from a few days ago:
Mum: Why don't you go and do some work in Africa?
Antony: Because I don't want AIDS

I'm so PC

"The Misunderstood Magician" by Omar Karmally

i saw a man pull a bunny out of his hat
he called it magic
i saw him cut a woman in half
he called it magic
i went home and cut a bunny in half
i'm just a misunderstood magician
- psychOmar (the comical genius) 
Guy: you look so different to how i expected dude
Me: in what way dude?
Guy: i expected you to look like average joe
Guy: you look like some metal god lol
Me: HAHAHA thanks man thats about the best compliment I've had
Ok, I got 8 items in from Amazon including 11 books, that means I've got another 4 odd coming, here's waht people had to say when I told them that twelve books I'd ordered is "more then they'd read in their life." :

- probably is actually
- haha true :(
- Uh huh. I doubt it
- hehe rpobly
- oh shut up i've read more than 12
- fuck u tony
- is it fuck
- so what makes u reckon i've not read 12 books?
- yea of course it is 

Friday, 19 August 2005

Meet Some Of My Alter Egos

The Dazed Sound Weaver:
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The Technical Axe Man:
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The Stoned Deciple:
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The Metal Animal:
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The Unexpecting Pantless Wonder:

Image hosted by

Pretentious? Moi?

Tuesday, 16 August 2005

Hunting Wolves (a dwarf song)

Hunting Wolves, Hunting Wolves
Horrid, Ugly, Grunting Wolves

And when an evil wolf I see
I'll cleave and cut, destroying he
My sturdy axe I'll wield with glee
And sing my melee melody

Howling Wolves, Howling Wolves
Angry, Snarling, Growling Wolves

And when an evil wolf I hear
I'll slash and slice, let out a cheer
Let ne'er a wolf Grundi not fear
If e'er an evil wolf I hear

Hunting Wolves, Hunting Wolves
I hate those horrid grunting wolves

And when an evil wolf I see
I'll hack and hew and hash with glee
A Dwarven Hero I shall be
And sing my melee melody

Hunting Wolves, Hunting Wolves
Hunting howling, hungry wolves
Hunting Wolves, Hunting Wolves
Hunting howling, hungry wolves

Subj: Antony! What!? Im honoured to even know your name!
Date: 17/08/2005 21:18:30 GMT Standard Time
From: Jefferson Moses
To: IDiedAtLakeBodom


hey, can you tell i love the song?
