Friday, 26 August 2005

August 2005 Funny Stuff

Ben - "Now that all that pedanticism is behind us..."
Ant - "Dude, the word is 'pedantry'"

"to me flirting is not a means to an end, it's an end in itself"

Kaye: how old r u again?
Ant: what?
Kaye: how old r u
Ant: about 10 o clock
Kaye: stop it, how old r u
Ant: I'm not sure if I can this weekend, sorry

Amanda: ur my jerkfuck baby :)
Antony: prove it
Amanda: u cant prove jerkfuck lol
Amanda: it's just a way of being lol
Antony: wise man say: if you are truly a jerkfuck you need no proof, it is simply known

Ant: ohhhh come to Scotland and see the Loch Ness Monster
Omar: is that what they're calling your girlfriend these days?
Ant: I don't have a girlfriend :-(
Omar: aw... i'm sure its not your fault, maybe your just ugly

I just remembered this incident from a few days ago:
Mum: Why don't you go and do some work in Africa?
Antony: Because I don't want AIDS

I'm so PC

"The Misunderstood Magician" by Omar Karmally

i saw a man pull a bunny out of his hat
he called it magic
i saw him cut a woman in half
he called it magic
i went home and cut a bunny in half
i'm just a misunderstood magician
- psychOmar (the comical genius) 
Guy: you look so different to how i expected dude
Me: in what way dude?
Guy: i expected you to look like average joe
Guy: you look like some metal god lol
Me: HAHAHA thanks man thats about the best compliment I've had
Ok, I got 8 items in from Amazon including 11 books, that means I've got another 4 odd coming, here's waht people had to say when I told them that twelve books I'd ordered is "more then they'd read in their life." :

- probably is actually
- haha true :(
- Uh huh. I doubt it
- hehe rpobly
- oh shut up i've read more than 12
- fuck u tony
- is it fuck
- so what makes u reckon i've not read 12 books?
- yea of course it is 

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