Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Fish and Moose

" Fish and Moose is  a witty comedy following the tale of three close friends and Doug as they face their respective daily trials of work (and the avoiding of it), sexism, finding an occupied bed for the night (and leaving it without attracting attention to oneself).

Ray and Jules set about the task of trying to force their friend James to get over a break up as the sitcom gives a naturalist take on familiar situations. The cast is a highly believable bag of characters who share witty repartee, teaching you why be “moose” when you can be “fish” ! "

This is a most-loved project I'm working on with my friend Finn Townsley who stage managed my play Lock and the Emerald Eyes (my second play) and co-wrote+co-directed Patriot (the third.)

For me the interesing thing about this piece of writing is it started out life as an extensive list of jokes that we had coined over the course of several nights out. Us having a few different strands to our senses of humour, characters began emerging through the jokes as you could think "well that line could be said by the same person that said that line" ...and then storyline started to weave itself around the development characters. It has shown out to be a really cool, interesting and original way of writing, consistently funny, with some very unexpected results regarding the depths of some of the characters. Lots of happy coinicdences and subtext that was coined without preconception and becaue most of the jokes are things that were actually said the dialogue is very natural and believeable. I am very much looking forwards to seeing how this goes!

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