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Have you used physical punishment on your child?
No one really enjoys using physical punishment on their children1 but many of us assume because our parents used some form of physical punishment on us, such as spanking2, that this is a necessary, normal and even productive way of rearing a child. Scientific evidence3 has clearly shown that children who are physically punished even mildly:
- Tend to have a lower IQ and are less able to reason effectively.
- Have a poorer relationship with their parents than those who are reared non-aggressively.
- Are more likely to resort to violence as a means of solving problems and even become chronically defiant.
- Are more likely to smoke and twice as likely develop alcohol/drug addictions.
- Are more likely to develop anxiety disorders and depression and show symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
- Are more likely to display anti-social behaviour and abuse their spouse or children later in life.
The use of aggression on the young gains immediate compliance but results in more aggressive children prone to delinquency, anti-social behaviour and crime. The consequences are dose dependent but reduce once physical punishment stops!
1 While many of parents justify spanking, 85% say they would rather not if there was an alternative.
2 93% of studies on spanking agree It is harmful to children. This has been called "an almost unheard of consensus"
3 A list of studies can be found here: http://board.freedomainradio.com/forums/t/32072.aspx
Many people think no spanking means no discipline, however, a consistent lack of guidance is the other side of the same coin - both avoid engaging the child with reason.
There is a law against one adult using violence on another and we call it assault. When Sweden passed a law banning parents using corporal punishment most adults did not support it at first, but since then the number of youths committing crimes of theft and property damage have decreased, plus the abuse rate and rate of children going into foster care has gone down to almost zero.
Here are some good sources of information on peaceful parenting:
- www.positive-parents.org
- http://www.child-discipline-with-love.com/
- “How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk.”
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
- “Unconditional Parenting” by Alfie Kohn
- “Parent Effectiveness Training” by Robert Gordon
Q: Isn't spanking necessary for good behaviour?
A: Children who were not spanked were, on average, the best behaved and had the lowest rates of psychological problems. This has been referred to as "the best kept secret of American child psychology."
Q: "I was spanked and I turned out fine" doesn’t that mean it’s ok?
A: Although you probably did turn out fine smoking only kills a third of long term smokers - why take the same risk with your children? They might not be so lucky - who knows? - Perhaps you may have turned out even better were you not physically punished.
Q: As you can't reason with a 5 year old don't you need to spank them?
A: As you can reason please take account of the evidence that spanking a 5 year old does more harm than good and look into alternatives.
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