Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Lock and the Emerald Eyes for New Writing Festival

I just finished the 3rd major rewrite of the second play I ever had staged "Lock and the Emerald Eyes" ("Lock..." for short - teehee.)

It's been a nostalgic ride, Laura Jones did a great job of stage managing it last time it was performed at the end of 2009! (Wow sounds like a long time ago when you put it like that!) We had some very memorable actors take on the roles and do very well in them, and Finn Townsley stage managed it not long after our friendship was beginning to burgeon into something more than valued acquaintances, we've never stopped working together since.

The most important changes are that the roles of the two most prominent females have been expanded considerably which was more in line with my original intentions, and the ending has majorly been expanded to the same effect. There are some new jokes, which are always welcome additions in my book.

I don't really know which excerpt would be fit to leave so I might just put in some of my favourite lines/jokes:

LADY2: Oh Lock you are a delightful scoundrel! I fancy you must have a girlfriend!
LOCK: A girlfriend? Heavens no! Nothing of the sort! I have merely a wife, a mistress and a lover...

THRICE: Did you remove Self's eyes?
LOCK: Why should I care to remove Self's eyes?
THRICE: It is of no interest to me why you should care to remove Self's eyes. I have asked whether you did or not, and that is all I want to know! For if you did, then here is the end of you mischief, Lock.
LOCK: I, er... I... 

THRICE: Have I not asked you a direct question?
LOCK: One must ever be watchful of asking a direct question lest it provoke a direct answer… 

THRICE: I shall break every bone in your body and fling what is left of you, piece by piece, across the sky and beyond the very sun!

LOCK: What good would that do to Self? Whether I removed her eyes or another did, I'd wager that I alone have the skill and cunning to find new eyes to replace them. If you carry out your threats Thrice, then you will always have an eyeless wife...

LOCK: Would you agree, if only for the sake of argument, that if all men were to defer to the law of the jungle in governing their affairs, pandemonium would result?
TEAR: I’m as likely to agree for the sake of avoiding argument.

ZISA wraps her hand around [the emeralds] gently within TEAR's palm and the two struggle over them.
TEAR: They. Need. To. Be. Re…turned…
ZISA: Not. On. Your. Life… They’re. To. Be. Cast. Into. Our. Rings…
TEAR: You. Don’t. Understand. Their. Worth…
TEAR prizes them from her grip at last, and with them in hand he makes to leave.
ZISA: I believe the going rate is THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER!!!

LOCK: Though there is little doubt that most of what men say and do amongst men is only to influence others into acting in whatsoever way we may please, perhaps... it is my bent to be more direct in the matter.

LOCK: Now come with me and I shall show you a fine trick! Follow me as I journey to the very pole of this sphere, where the earth meets the sky and sucks it into its fiery lungs! In that place lies is a fissure which opens into the heart of this hollow sphere, where dragons flush their wings against the scorching rays of the inner sun, and nearer the surface, dwarves mine both day and night for gleaming stones to fill their treasuries. 

DEVALYN: To what nature do we owe this sudden visit... Is it business? Or is it pleasure...
LOCK: Pleasure naturally. I never involve myself in business if I can possibly avoid it! Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say... that all my business in invariably pleasurable.

LADY1: Now she does nothing but toss and turn in her chamber, a sullen ship on stormy oceans, dreaming of her love...

LOCK: My dear Thrice, I do not crave attention, I command it! 

Love pretty much all of Self's new lines:
SELF: Predacious Privation! Exploit and Extort! 
SELF: (making to scratch his eyes out) I shall do unto you quite the same injury!

SELF: Give to me my due you duplicitous deceiver!
SELF: You beast! You shamelessly unscrupulous, scandalously insincere brute!
LOCK: Oh how your words pain me like the sharpest bolts of slings and crossbows. 

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