Thursday, 5 January 2012

The Biggest Taboo on Television

I've been thinking about how television, despite being almost ubiquitously garbage, covers almost everything in some capacity, indeed in every capacity with the exception of one: you.

You are the biggest taboo on television.
Everything else is a target: the state, the market, the beaurocrats, the bankers, the civil servants, the politicians, the capitalists

I have seen programs exposing naughty bankers, but I've never seen a show on how some entrepreneur or community set up a credit union.
I've seen politicians exposed and fingers wagged at them but I've never seen a show on practical action that individuals or communities can take to make the need for poiliticians redundant.
I've seen shows about dysfunctional families but rarly one on how to reduce conflict within the home.
I've seen shows on eating healthy, but I've never seen a mainstream expose on the condition of facorty farms or raising ethical questions on how we should eat, with regards to both the welfare of animals and the environment.
I've seen shows on flagrant instances of child abuse, but never a simple look into the effects of yelling at your kid, or even using physical punishment despite the fact thw wealth of evidence that children, even occasionally hit, have poorer relationships with their parents, lower IQs, are more likely to resort to violence in order to solve problems, display antisocial behaviour and have anxiety problems.
please comment with more examples

The biggest taboo on television is anything that will make people have to reflect upon and reconsider their own behaviour.

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