Sunday, 11 December 2005


Isn't money is the most loathesome creation humans have ever invented?

Money is essentially a currency in things people don't want to do.

A job is doing things you dont want to do for pieces of paper that you can then use to entice other people into doing things they dont want to do for your benefit. Most of the pieces of paper your job generates goes to your employer, a "business." This is of course a human construct, a business isn't conscious, it's an abstract idea. This and this and this, belongs to this business, that is capital, these people work for this business, they are labour, both are secondary (and disposable if necessary) to the function of making "profit."

Some people are lucky or savvy enough to get people to give them pieces of paper for doing things they DO like to do, and these people can then go on to spend those pieces of paper on forcing people to do things that they don't want to do so that they can spend more time doing things they do like doing AND getting pieces of paper for doing them.

And who ends up doing most of the things we don't like doing? Starving for example? The very people who produce everything that allows us to do the things we DO like doing. Eating is one them, isn't it ironic?

No wonder they say that money is the root of all evil.

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