Sunday, 5 June 2011

Current News

Hello out there mr/mrs (delete as appropriate) read-y person, sorry if this blogish thingy looks a bit clinical so far, I just set it up today and backdated some posts with haste so they might be a bit minimal in content but they're doing their job of archiving my shiz.

What am I doing?

- Right now I'm writing music for seven-piece ensemble to accompany a production of Stuart Marshall's Close and Faraway which will be staged in September by Attune Theatre,

please stay attuned eh-em for more news on this and possibly previews of some of the stuff I'm working on.

- I'm also working with Mr. Finn Townsley on a project (play? screenplay? sitcom?) called Fish and Moose. Click the link to read about it.

- Illich Sketch Show rages on, despite the evil machinations of the Villainous Dr. Haber who plans to put a stop to it all.

- I don't know if I should really mention this because I'm not sure I will be making updates on it but I'm working on some kind of novella called Beyond Reason which is a platform to entail anystrange philosophical insights I am gleaning from life or inspired by books I'm reading. Just some kind of big mash-up we'll see.

Today was mostly spent chilling at an abode in the care of one Mr. Gareth Vile of The Vile Arts Radio Hour (which strangely always seems to run for two hours - go figure) speaking of life, the universe plus anything and everything under the sun ranging from art, theatre and music to philosophy, politics and relationships, all over about half a million roll-up cigarettes and filter coffee. afternoon win.

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