Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Don't Give Up on the Dream until the Dream Comes True

We’re far apart, but in our hearts
We draw each other near (draw each other near)
And in our dreams, this distance seems
To fade and disappear (fade and disappear)

We kiss in sleepy fantasies,
Embrace in silent reveries,
And maybe we will never live to see the day when I’m with you...

        ...but if you believe in fairy tale endings,
        Sad ones just won’t do
        ...So don’t give up on the dream, until the dream comes true

        Don’t give up on the dream until the dream comes true

We’re miles away,
But every day,
We’re stronger in our will, (stronger in our will)
And late at night,
Our eyes shut tight,
It seems we’re closer still, (even closer still)

We pray that we may reunite,
Here within our waking life,
And maybe we will never live to see the day when I’m with you,

        ...but if you believe in fairy tale endings,
        Sad ones just won’t do
        ...So don’t give up on the dream, until the dream comes true

        Don’t give up on the dream until the dream comes true

Saturday, 5 September 2009

being good

Antony Sammeroff · 5 September 2009 ·
so i don't know what being good is but i'm trying to learn how to be and i feel very scared confused and hurt a lot of the time and by the looks of it most of you feel the same so maybe we can try and help each other and teach each other what we've learned about it but I think the most important thing is to have these kind of thoughts, be honest with ourselves and try and fix ourselves first then we will share
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Kristen Gardner and Nat Nimmo like this.

Antony Sammeroff I should have said by the looks of it all of you feel the same, and I also love the fact that to post that I would press the share button smile emoticon happy coincidence
5 September 2009 at 03:05 · Like

Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes was a man who was very afraid of himself and what he feared he would become without his conscience, I think he saw the state (or monarch) as ones conscience, thats why he supported monarchy, but also because he was so traumatised by the civil war in Britain during his life time that he thought that monarchy was the only way to prevent such catastophes, but actually forcing order at the point of a gun (or blade in those days) is setting up those catastrophes to happen, people need to learn how to order themselves by mutual experience!

See Also:;postID=7932282800129651091;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=66;src=postname 

Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes was a man who was very afraid of himself and what he feared he would become without his conscience, I think he saw the state (or monarch) as ones conscience, thats why he supported monarchy, but also because he was so traumatised by the civil war in Britain during his life time that he thought that monarchy was the only way to prevent such catastrophes, but actually forcing order at the point of a gun (or blade in those days) is setting up those catastrophes to happen, people need to learn how to order themselves by mutual experience!

see also

My feelings on a couple of German Philosophers, liked it so wanted to share it

the only German Philosopher I know well is Kant I think he's very beautiful but a little too cerebral I think he had some kind of OCD because he took his philosophy very seriously, it is rumoured that his servants could time his morning walks by their watches

like many philosophers we are all too cerebral

Neitsche I know a little, he is very misunderstood people said he was a Nihilist but I'm not sure that he is one even though he is associated with that philosophy, in the end his genius drove him crazy because it prevented him from manifesting the message clearly which I think (with my limited understanding) was that each person should strive to be the best version of themselves that they can. I will have to ask other people who know Neitsche better than I if they agree with that!

See Also:

John McLintock i think it is quite fair to call Nietzsche a nihilist; and he was driven mad by syphillis, not his genius wink emoticon
Antony Sammeroff i don't believe it haha poor old Neitzsche got his for putting it about a bit
Antony Sammeroff he wasn't a Nihilist though he used it as a derogatory term saying, "Christians, and other Nihilists"

Nihilism implies having no ethical values, whereas Neitsche did suggest some...See More

John McLintock mwah hah ha, etc wink emoticon
Antony Sammeroff smile emoticon was that your evil genius laugh? I like it please show it to me in person