(Act I)
Cara: aging is a terrible thing
Ant: terrible
Cara: lets find the elixir of life
Cara: me and you on an epic adventure
Cara: we could wear my viking helmets
Cara: that would make a well good tv show
Ant: epic eh
Cara: yes!
Ant: as in, like... wow... it could be a three part trilogy !!
Cara: we could have battle metal soundtracks
Cara: yes! like LOTR! ^__^
Ant: NOT LIKE LOTR... Like our own original three part trilogy dammit!!
Act One - This conversation + other background, then we set out
Act Two - We encounter obstacles
Act Three - We encounter a big ass obstacle and prevail, we return home and people rejoice
Cara: this is so cool
Ant: hrm... sounds a bit like every other three part trilogy I suppose
Cara: yeah, but we're in it, so its better!
Ant: true dat
(Act II)
Ant: we rule
Cara: we so do
Ant: it's a scientifically proven fact
Cara: <3
Ant: they have done repeat experiments and each time the results were conclusive
Cara: it's in science books and all, right at the back
Ant: they don't even need to publish it any more because it's so widely accepted that most take it for granted
Cara: :D
(Act III)
*Cara and Ant get old...
...and die*