Wednesday, 28 October 2009

I wanted to possesses you

but no one should belong to anyone else
it's not right
to own a person
true love says to another
feel free to follow your inclinations
feel free to be as you are
for I love you
but not "don't do this or that for it will hurt my tender heart"
that is only love of self, not of another
or rather lack of love for self it should be said
because if one one truly loves oneself they would feel no need to possess another


It has been said, and I thank Gillian for originally bringing this quote to my attention although it is no longer her profile, that "for those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who do not believe no proof is possible,"

I have found this to be rather a genius quote up until this moment when I realised it is a contortion of the truth, rather it would be more accurate to say, "for those who believe proof is in everything, for those who do not believe proof is in nothing."

Clearly, I find myself in the former category.