Monday, 1 November 2010

The Pragmatist

I consider myself a pragmatist. I wouldn’t say I’m in any way an immoral person, I mean, I’m not the kind of guy who would harm someone for the sake of it, I’m not a sadist. So I blackmailed a gullible politician. A crooked one at that. It’s not something my conscience is going to eat at me for because I don’t see it as a moral issue, it’s a matter of pragmatism. He had the power to get what I need, and he was foolish enough to believe I was capable of what I threatened, so a transaction took place. Do you have pangs of moral conscience buying something that will benefit you in a half price sale? Of course not! Why should you?

I have no use for God. Well, I’m not saying definitively that it’s impossible that the universe has a creator, it’s just that if it does he she or it is really rather unconcerned with my affairs. I have no use for him so I will spare you the other clichés alternatively proposing that he just has a weird sense of humour or is away on sabbatical. Maybe he’s just a pragmatist too. I have no time for philosophy.

I believe in science. Well, as far as anyone really believes in science, which is to say that I believe what suits me and interpret what happens to me in a way that supports that worldview while making a concerted effort to avoid evidence which contradicts my biases. See? I’m a pragmatist.

There’s a reason why Tories read the Telegraph and Lefties read the Guardian.

Maybe it’s fairer to say I believe in success. Look at me though, I’m successful!

The bottom line is, I’m not actually in the habit of stepping over people to get what I want. Most of the time all I do is sense what people expect and serve it up for them. I provide a service, like supply and demand. Yeah! It’s just like responding to market forces!

It just so happens that most people actually expect calamity, disaster, and, well, being fucked for a buck, if you’ll pardon the French. Who am I to judge? I’m just pointing out the chink in other peoples armour…
With the sword they put in my hand.

It’s not rocket science, you just need to pay attention. You see, most people are sleep walking - they talk when they should be listening – and they’re self absorbed, so they miss absolutely everything. I don’t miss anything. That’s why I’m a pragmatist.

It’s not a gift or a talent, it’s a discipline to be highly developed. If you’re busy thinking of what you’re going to say next time it’s your shot I guarantee you’re missing 99% of the information that is being communicated to you. People fail to use their eyes, so they stumble around bumping into on another until one of them falls off the edge of a cliff. And sometimes that’s where I come in. If it wasn’t me it would be someone else. Like I said, I’m a pragmatist.